Fri, 30 May 97
Subject: Melanie address
Dear David,
I am a Melanie fan for a very long time and have been trying to locate a way to write a letter to Melanie. This is not something I do regularly, in fact , not at all. I always end up thinking that if I do they'll just think I'm dumb and I chicken out. But Melanie's music has always been special, and is now greatly enjoyed by my whole family and even the nanny.
I just want to say a few of these things to her and get them off of my chest. Its been something I've wanted to do for some time, and when I finally decided to do it, I've been unable to find an address that I'm sure that she will receive it.
Its kind of personal and from the heart and I don't want it splashed all over the web. Can you help?
Tom Gervasi Christchurch, New Zealand
A: That's a shame, they make the best letters to show off! Use the Fan Club address.
If what you want sent to Melanie is 'private', then the only way at present is by snail-mail.
You can write c/o the
Melanie Fan Club: Click for AddressOr if you would like to share with the rest of the world, you can send to which is a virtual e-mail address which gets to me and then probably published on this Melanie Web Site.
Thu, 29 May 1997
Subject: Thanks
Hi Dave,
Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate the updates on Melanie. I am really hoping that Melanie gets to Michigan sometime soon. Back in the late 70's I saw Melanie two times in concert and have remained a loyal fan.
Thu, 29 May 1997
Subject: Re: Melanie News Update
Thank you Dave for continuing to keep me posted of Melanie news your last posting did not mention Melanie's Photograph album has it been re-issued on CD yet? If so how do I get it?
Thanks for all you do---God Bless!
A: Photograph; Not yet, but hopefully soon.
Thu, 29 May 1997
Hi there,
Could you please use your distribution list to notify everyone that my site will undergo a slight address change?
I do not know when my pages will be moved to another server, but the only consistent address FROM NOW ON will be:
Probably something like will work as well, but I do not know how stable this will be.
Thu, 29 May 1997
Subject: Melanie
You're music is like the light in the darkness. I was so excited to find your web site tonight. For years I have been curious what you have been up to. Your music has inspired me so much. I am a 19 year-old-female, and I only hope that my music will affect as many people as yours did. I love you.
Is there a way to get sheet music of your music?
Rhianon England Santa Maria, CA, USA
Wed, 28 May 1997
Dear Melanie
This is new to me, however, I have written to you in the past by post. I hope you do not mind.
that I have contacted Johan in Holland and gave him transcriptions of some of the songs you have written or recorded. That is to say I put chords to the songs The way that I sing them.
I look forward to hearing the new CD which I have already ordered through a friend in Arizona hoping that I would get it sooner.
I recently was given a poem by a friend of mine here to which I put a tune. Another friend of mine recorded it and she is a real good vocalist, on a 4 track in her home for me I would like to send it to you as I wrote the melody with you in mind but I am afraid that you would not even listen to it as you are such a busy performer and writer yourself. I have played the recording to many people here and many have agreed that I should send it to you or to an Irish singer called Mary Black. But I listened to your music for so long that I would love you to listen to it and give constructive criticism.
Please if you find the time write to me at this e-mail address or by mail to;
Jim McGuire
24 Kendal Road
G75 8QT
Love in Music
Wed, 28 May 1997
Dear Melanie,
I don't know if you'll get this as I've tried several times already but here goes.
I have been an admirer of your music for a long time. To me you and your music embody the best of what ,in my opinion, the sixties were really about at their best. To many people it was about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. There was more. There were people who ! cared about the world they lived in and wanted to do something about it. They tried to become something better, something you couldn't buy with money. To me, your music spoke of that.
My family loves your music too. My 5 year old daughter wants me to "Play Melanie" We listened to you during dinner tonight. My 2 1/2 year old son Kevin kept saying "That's Melanie". I've never been one to write letters like this. I've always chickened out. But your music has always been special, made me feel a little better when things don't look so good. I listen to Candles in the Rain, and remember. The rain hasn't stopped, but I still have some candle left. If this! somehow gets to you, you should know that somebody loves you. Come visit New Zealand some time.
Take Care,
Tom Gervasi Christchurch, New Zealand
Sat, 17 May 1997
Thank you for keeping me posted on news of Melanie! I am very interested
in getting re-releases of her recordings especially "Madrugada", "Photograph", ...and others! I also very much want to get Low Country and her Christmas Album as well! CD's only though! Any concert news for me would be appreciated. Is there any place were I could buy a promo type of poster for a display I would like to put up in my shop...I have my own T-shirt and Sign co.
Thanks again for all your news hope to hear from you soon!!!
A: I haven't of any posters at all yet
Sat, 17 May 1997
Thank you for your update, I really appreciate.
I was very disappointed with Old Bitch Warrior, is Low Country going to be similar, will this album be a lot of overlapping again? just curious.
I absolutely love Freedom Knows... and the Silver Anniversary albums though.
Anyway, since Photograph is my favorite Melanie album, I would be thrilled to get that on CD, please keep me posted (which is what you're doing already as I know).
You mentioned other albums being released, I think I would have an orgasm on the spot if Madrugada or As I see it Now ever came out on CD. I know hardly anyone bought them, but I can wish it.
Have a great day and thank you for the news about the new Website as well.
A: I haven't a copy of LowCountry to listen to, but have been told, "If I liked 'Old Bitch Warrior', I would like LowCountry!
Fri, 16 May 1997
I just wanted to drop a line and say, Thanks for keeping me updated on Melanie news and events. It's always a pleasure to know that I am kept up to date on her goings on. I was upset last year when she played a folk festival in my area, and I didn't find out until afterward. Thanks to you, this may never happen again.
Lay down lay down!
A: Liz! you still got that headache? <g>
Thu, 15 May 1997
Thanks for the Melanie news! I'm not really surprised, maybe this is another album that will never come in the mail?
One would kind of think if you already had orders for an album, that you would finish that album and fill the orders, God, BAD PR! Another $20.00 down the drain.
Please if you hear of when "Photograph" or any thing else is going to be released, Please let me know.
A: Very much doubt it will never come. It's just a matter that Peter is tied up with Melanie recording the Christmas album, it was Melanie herself who first said the CD was being pressed (it wasn't as far as I know), I suspect that as soon as Melanie has finished this bout of recording, Peter will have the time to finally get the CDs pressed or arrange a distribution deal. When Melanie is in a 'recording' mood, I would be the last one to cause any delay to her!
Thu, 15 May 1997
Thanks for the update. My personal interest is to replace ageing LP's with CD's.
Will be revisiting your site soon, still thinking about ordering.
Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!!!! I'm sure many Melanie fans have been looked at in odd ways when they state their favorite female artist (in Tennessee, anyways).
Peace and Grace,
Thanks for the news. I received a copy of low country when attending the concert with Richey Havens in Jacksonville fl. daughter, Crista got to talk with Melanie, Peter And Jeordie. she has been corresponding with Jeordie and she was kind enough to send a copy of the 'Safka' CD. for the record I never received my Unchained Melanie C.D. so I would be leery of the fan club as an ordering location in the future. I have rewritten but haven't received any response. Love the low country C D but I miss hearing Melanie's guitar. Maybe it is her but it's a little twangy and not so full as previous efforts (fans can be so critical ha) P.S. Alexander Beetle has to be on the children's C.D.
Love, peace..
Wed, 14 May 1997
First of all my name is John Lambo from Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Second, I apologise for SHOUTING. It was unintentional. I need to remember that using caps is considered shouting on the net. I did manage to get a copy of Unchained and I just got a copy of Silver from Tower Records in London. I'm going to try to get Low Country from somewhere other than the fan club. Maybe at a concert up here. Thanks for your assistance.
Tue, 13 May 1997
Melanie has been my inspiration for 28 years now and I hadn't heard anything about her for approximately the last 10 years (until recently). It's always been my dream to meet her, or receive a letter from her. Any chance she'll ever perform in the Pittsburgh area? Some people have told me to get a life, but "life will not go away".
Sun, 11 May 1997
Dear Melanie:
We are big fans of yours and saw you last year at the Folk Festival in Oakland New Jersey. My husband asked you to sing "I Don't Eat Animals" and you did it for us. You also gave us an autograph (I had a People magazine with you and your daughters in it). Anyway we just had a baby boy last November and we would love to take him to see you sometime. If you are coming to New Jersey this year could you let us know where and when. Thanks so much, and we think you're great!!! Also, congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter!
Linda, Jack, & Daniel Rief North Haledon, New Jersey, USA
Sat, 10 May 1997
A: The Society is not funded or otherwise tied to any US Melanie Fan Club.
I suggest you write to:
Melanie. C/o
Melanie Fan Club: Click for Address explaining you have paid for Silver and would like LowCountry instead!They are using Melanie's name instead of 'Melanie Fan Club' in the hope people will think they won't get ripped-off by Melanie herself, I don't think you will get ripped off! I'm sure there's a good reason somewhere, however I personally disapprove of their conduct with regard to Silver, because it gives people like me a bad-name and it was very irresponsible of them (whatever happened).
Since my last e-mail to you (whoever you are, you have never told me your name!)Silver has been deleted.
Please cease SHOUTING at me (I had nothing to do with Silver); tell me your name, (and address if you like!), be friends? -DJB
Sat, 10 May 1997
Dear Melanie,
I know this note is about 25 years overdue, yet, I want to take this opportunity to say "thank you" for the many ways you have helped to shape my life. Your music touched my soul during my early teenage years, and that influence is still very much a part of who I am today.
You have helped me to discover the great beauty in the simple things of life. You have helped me to discover the spiritual dimension which has profoundly impacted my being. You became my inspiration to play the guitar and to share my experience in music, which I am still doing today. The image of "candles in the rain" truly describes what our purpose in life is; to shine the light of love, peace, and brotherhood in the midst of the world's darkness. In many ways I am who I am today because of you. Thank you Melanie, for your sweet spirit, your beautiful music, and your legacy of love which I will pass on to my little daughter. You will always have a special place in my heart.
Love and Peace,
Michael G. Long Frankfort, Kentucky , USA
Mon, 05 May 1997
I have been a Melanie addict for twenty years now. I still get excited when I fly.
Keep your glow on tom G. I remember the Westbury Music Fair
It's never as strong or as fun as the first time.
Wed, 7 May 1997
Dear Melanie,
I wonder if you would help make two middle aged men dreams come true. My friend Ian McCabe and I fell in love with your music in the early 1970's when residing in England, and we have continued to be fans all these years. Coincidentally I moved to Clearwater Florida, and Ian still lives in England. I was lucky enough to see you in concert at the State Theater in St Petersburg a few years ago and really enjoyed your performance. My friend Ian was envious of course, and last week called and he asked me when you might be in concert again in the Tampa Bay area, and he would fly over especially to see you. I have checked the Internet concert listings for you and can't find any dates. If you have any plans for concert dates anywhere in this area sometime within the next year or two please let me know, as we will book front row sheets!
Thanks for being such as great signer and person!!
John Hedrick at
Wed, 7 May 1997
Subject: I love your music
Dear Melanie,
I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your music. I am a big fan and wanted to know if you ever do concerts in North Carolina? I will be moving there from upstate NY. I don't think you have come near me at all. But I would love the chance to see you perform live. Also I am very interested in hearing your daughters' album. When can I expect to see it in stores?
Sat, 3 May 1997
Dear Melanie,
We need you out here. I have been a fan since the 1976 Valley Forge Music Fair in Philadelphia. I now live in L.A. And listen to your old recordings on LP. Except of course, "Freedom Knows My Name" which I have on CD. Would you consider a trip out west??? Living in Los Angeles, There Should Have Been A Rainbow By Now.
Logan Los Angeles, CA, USA