Melanie Music Society

Published Poems ©1972,1973 Copyright retained by original Authors


To Melanie - with love by John W.B.Brind (p)Aug 1972

The Poem!! (For Melanie). by Robin Webster (p) Jan 1973

Music Box by Dick Fry (p) Feb 1973

Music (You Communicate) by Tim Westcott (p) Aug, 1973

Meeting Melanie by Margaret Landers (p) Aug, 1973

Soul Searcher by Margaret Landers (p) Feb, 1974

New Poetry Corner


To Melanie - with love

by John W.B.Brind (p)Aug 1972
Keep the show alive, babe And make 'em a song Sing in their hair, Taking their tears for a moment Warm your notes on someone's ears So they applaud like echoes In a haunted house Sing for me in my Kaleidoscopic Tower Fix the bricks with strumming chords Make the door key solid sound And take my mind on This trip through your repertoire Round we will spiral Without disturbing each other's mind Round our personal world of Circular carpet and Your own vocal inflections Think I'll spiral and circle again While you pour your heart into Books of candles, to be Gathered, Affectionately Don't ever let 'em take it from you You've got your own Rainbow I love it….. and you….


The Poem!! (For Melanie).

by Robin Webster (p) Jan 1973
Your voice reaches through to my heart My mind spins around your songs Travelling on the wind Through the jungle of my emotions Your words are digging into my soul Strengthening my ideals And giving me a new view Of life, love, up and down I am refreshed renewed deep in my soul You always have a place in my heart I love your music, your ideals And you, Forever.


Music Box

by Dick Fry (p) Feb 1973
My music box tinkles So sadly it seems Makes the sounds That revolve in my dreams But its not you who makes it But a bit of black plastic But until I see you It's all that I've got And until that plastic's worn away That sound will never stop But still I want to see you You seem too beautiful to be true Oh, I've got your picture Hanging in my mind Coloured ones as well But they're only half a dream And I still want to see you I love you They tell me you're married But it's not like that (dontcha know?) But for how long can a dream go on? "You must know I think of you all the time" And until I do see you Beautiful person Melanie I do believe


Music (You Communicate)

by Tim Westcott (p) Aug, 1973
Your music, it reminds me Of summer breezes in May It's rhythm blowing through my ears As branches gently sway It's the perfect form of happiness I really ought to say The music echoes through my mind Your memories will stay We forget about the bad times And the troubles that we pay 'Cause the water's flowed beneath the bridge And we're living for today The beauty of your sound is found In the gentle way you play It's the peace that you communicate Found no other way


Meeting Melanie

by Margaret Landers (p) Aug, 1973
I sat there, listening to the radio Luxembourg, Paul Barnett show A brilliant flash of light did shine Upon this dead old mind of mine Words of wisdom in my ear Banished was all ungodly fear A record on the turntable Words of truth, and life's fable The music passed through my brain But the message will ever remain In my hidden mind's domain The singer's name I can't forget She saved me from a living death Words of hope which she sang in my head they loudly rang Now and for ever more Peace Will Come that's the score Down with hate and felony Up with Love and Melanie


Soul Searcher

by Margaret Landers (p) Feb, 1974
Often in the dark of night My soul finds time for wayward flight And, though I cry out, "stop, come back" I find myself following in its track And, in these nights I try to find What illness educates my mind All is in vain, not lost, nor won And I am soul searcher but one When do dreams have heavy eyes And leave them clear to see blue skies Alas, it seems, at least for me My time will never come to see Oh night, dark night of sometime world When will my brain 'ere be unfurled When will dark shadows leave my heart And set me free to play God's part


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