Born in Astoria, Queens, Feb. 3, 1947 she has gone to four different schools in New York City. After attending William H. Carr Jr. High School for six months she came to New Jersey. Only a brief time was spent at Longbranch High School, she then graduated from Red Bank High School as a "troublemaker". Recently, Melanie has been given an honor of which she is very proud; she's been named official spokeswoman for UNICEF. It came about after she played at the United Nations at the opening of the General Assembly in 1971. "They liked me and they asked me to do a tour for them." Melanie was delighted, her tour which will take her around the world, and stopping in places such as Finland, India and Pakistan. She has given superb performances on all of her six albums the latest being "Gather Me", released on her own new label; Neighborhood Records.

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