From her new album of the same title comes the first track now out as a single. Produced by husband Peter Schekeryk, Melanie's inimitable voice is backed up with her 'discovery' The Pennywhistlers who help her drive along a number which - in overall sound - has taken a lot of the basic English folk feel pure and simple for it's working base. It's a track that stands off an album in a commercial way very well indeed. Sing it in your bath, should you be so taken, you certainly could .
A plea for guidance on behalf of today's youngsters, who are so full of peace and love, yet scared lest their goodwill should be misplaced. Sung in that earnest and unmistakable style that is so peculiar to Melanie, with inspired choral support that's more revivalist than gospel. There's also a jangling acoustic backing and a general air of sincerity and honesty. Her fans will lap it up, and rightly so - but this is one of her songs which couldn't really be calculated to have mass appeal. Incidentally, the flip is her penned "Nickel Song" which the New Seekers have already released as the 'A' side of their new single
Melanie is definitely a subtle and acquired taste. She creeps up on you slowly, but eventually you're hooked! I'm not intending to sound as poetic as the colleague who reviewed the album from which this song comes - but it is true. I rated her as a non-singer at first, then I simply didn't like her and now, ever so gently I have been converted.
This is a simple song, with nice double-tracked vocals and a good basic melody, plenty of piano and the mysterious ingredient 'X' that makes you love Melanie, even when there is no logical reason why you should! Which is probably the best non-review of all time.
Why not just listen and see .
Produced by Peter Schekeryk, good job it wasn't produced by Herbert Schlytykerche. Even more difficult to pronounce you see. She's a dear soul, just right for Disco Two. Here she sings a charming ditty that may not really appeal to Bert Crankshaft, caf: "Wot me like Melanie? Never 'eard of 'er, Wot I like is eight pints of bitter, football results and a good punch up."