A typical Melanie theme brought onto a long new track which bears all the typical Safka trademarks. Her strange, effective, tenuous voice slips across this track beautifully - held back in husky uncertainty at the start and then breaking into her usual frenetic vocals.
All that naïve sounding charm she possesses is used perfectly in both her vocal and lyrical content on this track which should please all Melanie devotees .
Good news from gawky Melanie, who always seems to be clumping around in army boots and a long night dress. Lovely singer, lovely song, but not a hit ..
"Ruby Tuesday" by the lovely lady was one of the nicest surprises of the year for me, the only disappointment being when she said she didn't like the record herself.
I have a sneaky feeling Melanie DOES like this very long and somewhat ponderous peace ballad.
She certainly sings her own words with fervour although the production is such that they're impossible to understand. Don't get me wrong; this is a good song, but altogether too deep to enjoy commercial success .