Melanie (On October 3, 1973, at 12:25 A.M. Melanie gave birth to a seven-pound seven-ounce girl, Leilah, pronounced Layla. It was a natural birth, performed according to the Lamaze method. Melanie hod prepared an eight-hour tape to listen to while in labor. The following are some of the selections.The album titles are in parentheses.) "The Courtly Dances" from Gloriana by Benjamin Britten (Julian Bream Julian Bream); Sonata in A minor for Recorder and Continuo, Op. 1; No. 4 by Handel (Baroque Music for Recorders); Suite in E minor by Bach (Bach Lute Music by Walter Gerwig); "Gladiolus Rag" by Scolt Joplin (Scott Joplin Piano Rags by Joshua Rifkin); "Mantra 11/Duolity" (lnsde by Paul Horn); "You Get Brighter" by Mike Heron {Wee Tam by the Incredible String Band); "The Boy with the Moon and Star on His Heod" by Cat Stevens (Catch Bull at four by Cat Stevens); "Water Musick" by Handel (Royal fireworks Musick/ Woter Musick)
Daily Express (UK) 4th Oct 1973
NEPTUNE, New Jersey,
ROCK STAR, Melanie gave birth to her first, child today and named the girl after a record by Derek and the Dominoes called Layla.
Melanie and 'Layla are in "excellent condition," a Neptune hospital spokesman said..
The mother, married to Peter Schekeryk, became famous singing Brand New Key, which she wrote.
Her other hit records have included What Have They Done to My Song, Ma and Candles in the Rain.
Evening News (London UK) 4th Oct 1973
SINGER Melanie has given birth to a 7lb, 7oz girl at Neptune, New Jersey,
Melanie who has had hits with "What Have They Done to My Song, Ma" and "Brand New Key," and husband Peter Schekeryk will call the baby Layla.
Why the name Leilah? The story went: Melanie arranged for tapes of her favourite music to be played during her Labour, Derek and the Dominoes' "Layla" was playing when the baby was born, thus the name "Leilah".
I think at some point this story was disputed a bit, was "Layla" 5 minutes before?
Even though it's been these many years, I think I should finally apologise to Melanie and Leilah for misspelling Leilah on a postcard that was sent to all the members of the M.M.S. advising of the happy event.
I was quickly advised by postcard from New York of my mistake. It was rectified immediately!
- Dave Boldinger 06/04/96