American folk singer revealed
yesterday how the manager of her London Hotel nearly got a complaint
in song from her.
The 23-year-old star was kept awake in the Mayfair Hotel £47.25 a night Monte Carlo suite by workmen hammering on the roof.
She said: "We had a very long and tiring journey from the States and when I eventually go to bed early on Tuesday I was exhausted.
I had hardly fallen asleep when this hammering started and woke me up again.
My manager suggested I should go and sing a couple of choruses of my current record at the manager."
The title? "Stop! I Don't Want To Hear It Any More."
The manager of the hotel Mr Michael Sartori could have sung his reply had he known the words of Melanie's previous record. Title? "Peace Will Come."
In the end, a more formal complaint was made and the hammering stopped.